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McCain to Russia in an editorial: Putin does not believe in you

Wrote U.S. Senator John McCain on his way to the Russians in a strongly worded editorial published by the newspaper Pravda Thursday , according to his team that President Vladimir Putin " does not believe in you."

 السناتور الأمريكي جون ماكين 
And carrying the former Republican candidate for the White House in 2008 , Putin strongly on and his aides Vathmanm the rigging elections , imprisoned and killed opponents and encouraging corruption and undermining the reputation of Russia in the international arena .McCain wrote in an article which he sent to the newspaper Pravda, the mouthpiece of the Communist Party and its website Pravda . Roe "I'm not anti - Russian ."He continued , " I am a supporter of Ross , more in favor of Ross system that Agmkm the badly today."McCain announced last week that he intends to publish an article in the Russian press after the New York Times published an editorial for Putin .McCain said that the Russian government ignores " the inalienable rights isolate" life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all people.He said McCain , who supported President Barack Obama 's plan a military strike against the Syrian regime to punish him for the use of chemical weapons , heading to the Russians , " said President Putin and his aides do not believe in these values. They do not respect the dignity do not accept Bsulttkm of them . ""They are being punished and imprisoned dissidents opponents. Visiting انتخاباتكم . Control of the media to inform you . Harass and threaten and prohibit organizations that defend your right to judge yourselves . "He said Putin " does not raise Russia's reputation in the world, but kill it . Make them tyrants friendly and enemy of the oppressed . "He concluded " that President Putin does not believe in these values ​​because he does not believe in you."

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